Monday, December 5, 2005

Earthly Treasures

I ordered my new sound equipment for my laptop a week and a half ago through eBay and two of my packages arrived today. I received Sonar Home Studio 4 and M-Audio Mobilepre USB. I also ordered two new Rode NT1A mics, which will be arriving next week.

I'm planning to use the new equipment to record several different sets of songs. My first priority is to prepare a short worship CD for Christmas, for my parents and my co-workers. I did that two years ago and it really worked out well. After that, I want to record a few other songs that I've been writing. I also want to record a complete worship CD with Arial and perhaps a french worship song or two for ma grandmama. Here I go...

As for other material goods, I told a few of my friends that I would prepare a proper Christmas wish list and I've finally gotten around to doing that. If'n you weren't one of those people then by all means, ignore the rest of this post.

1) Simpsons Hit & Run for the PS2 (link)
2) Foxtrot (link) Note: I already have most of the other treasury-sized collections.
3) Any recent worship CD - I haven't bought any in the past year.
4) Wizard subscription (link)
5) Blank CDs (Heh.)
6) Clothing, since I rarely buy anything for myself.
7) MP3 Player
8) Family Guy Season 3, Simpsons Season 4 and 5, Futurama Season 2
9) Alarm clock with ten-minute snooze button, battery/plug options, small enough for trips.
10) Somethin' else. Be creative, thoughtful or cheap, whatever you prefer.


Anonymous said...

What exactly does "if'n" mean? ~L

Anonymous said...

See, the thing about making wish list's public is that the givers may accidentally give a gift the give-ee already received from a fellow giver. The only way to combat this is for all givers to have secret meetings to decide who will give what to the give-ee. It pains me just thinking about it.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Heh. The problem with not having a public wish list is that I rarely get comics because nobody knows what I have already.

And I like the idea of conspiracies for my good rather than the other kind.

Anonymous said...

um jamie how bout I type... richard what are you doing? ok wait, do that, can me and richard um get you something thats not on the christmas wish list as much as I know... ok wait, dont write it yet honey. hahaha I know you love comics jamie gasp* um but we were thinking of ditching your christmas list if thats ok with you thank you yo.

Jamie A. Grant said...

I added Item 10 for you, Richard and Tara.