Saturday, October 27, 2007

Movie Jerk

You know how you can be in a movie theatre and there's that one obnoxious person right behind you that cheers and claps and laughs like a fool throughout the movie?

Heh. Yeah, that's me.

I don't know when this habit of mine started. I distinctly remember a time when I was extremely well behaved in a movie theatre, quiet as a mouse and only laughing politely. Hmmm...

I seem to remember watching one of the most recent Star Wars at the theatres. Beforehand, I was standing in line for two and a half hours with other geeks and anticipating the greatness of these new movie. And once Yoda started flipping around during his main fight scene, and the crowd cheered loudly in unison...yeah, that was a great moment.

And more recently than that, I remember watching The Protector. The audience, mostly made up of guys, was blown away by the Bruce Lee styled fight at the end as the protaganist brutally beat down wave after wave of henchmen. Much cheering ensued once we caught our breath, so it really got a reaction out of us.

So thanks to a few of these big blockbusters and action movies, I have experienced some amazing movies that really drew a response from everyone in the theatre. And from this, I think that I gradually lost a lot of my inhibitions as a movie viewer.

So now I'm that guy that randomly cheers a cool stunt. The one that claps repeatedly after an awesome fight scene. The one that laughs uproariously at the hilarious jokes, and the one that laughs way too much at things that are only slightly amusing. I'm the one that exclaims something when the rest of the theatre is completely quiet, when I'm surprised by a plot twist or I really enjoy some subtlety of the scene. And I'm the guy that makes a none-too-quiet comment after I see an exciting movie trailer before the feature presentation starts.

I have always enjoyed movies quite thoroughly and I often try to see a movie on the opening weekend. And now that this hobby of mine is interactive, I like watching movies even more. I offer no apologies if I'm that annoying guy right behind you, all I can offer is an invitation to you to enjoy the movie as much as I do. So that's me, the movie jerk extraordinaire. :)

1 comment:

Abe said...

That's funny, my brother's the guy that leans over and tells you to "shut the f@#% up". It's the circle of life really.