Tuesday, March 18, 2008

GPS Jerks

Ah, the land of blogs. Safe haven for rants of all kinds. I recently discovered a new pet peeve of mine and now it's my turn...

You know what really turns my crank? When people borrow someone's GPS unit and they change the owner's chosen settings for it. Sometimes it's only changing the volume or day/night displays, which is fine in general. Sometimes it's changing the interface to add or remove certain statistics or displays, and that's tricky to reset. Sometimes, people reset the "Home" link and that just seems selfish and unnecessary.

However, there's one more thing that GPS users just love to customize: The voice.

Different GPS units treat this aspect differently. On some units, it involves the language feature and it lets you select the local dialect. On other units, the voice options are controlled by fun personalities with cute little names. Regardless, people love to get in there and flip back and forth between a bunch of settings until they find one they prefer or one that amuses them in some way.

And when the owner gets their GPS unit back and continues to use it as usual, the instructions come out in different way. Changing from a female voice to a male voice is the most drastic change. However, the vocabulary used by a British setting and an American setting can vary quite a bit as well. It's freakin' annoying! And now the owner has to find that long-forgotten setting and feature that their friend messed with and they have to remmeber how to reset it.

Sure, we may be anthropomorphizing the GPS a bit, giving it a name and treating it like a person. Nothing wrong with that, is there? People give their cars names and they treat their pets that way. I've had hilarious conversations with other guys as we mock the GPS personality as if it's really thinking. As long as we don't start to have deep emotional discussions with this little computer then we'll be fine, we can just stick to getting ticked off as it gives us confusing directions yet again.

So, my pet peeve is that people change the settings on a GPS unit that they borrow from someone else. Your friend was kind enough to lend you this expensive piece of hardware, so why are you annoying them by changing all of their settings? It's like borrowing someone's car and changing the pre-set radio stations. It's like borrowing someone's iPod and messing with their folders and play lists.

I say that it's rude and disrespectful. Back in the day, not removing your hat when speaking to someone was offensive. These days, we have new unwritten rules of etiquette that have evolved to match our technology. Well, this used to be an unwritten rule but I guess it's not anymore. So take that, GPS Jerks!


Lawyer Kid said...

I'm assuming this is all tongue-in-cheek.

But if it's not, I think you need a Valium, or two or 17.

Ya know what cheeses me off? People making massive deals out of things that are not massive deals. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something? "Rude and disrespectful"?

You must be joking.

Jamie A. Grant said...

A valium, eh? Well, I said this was a rant. Did you want a more polite rant? ;)

Sure, plenty of this this was tongue-in-cheek but I will stand by my view that it's kinda rude.

What is your view, other than somehow disagreeing with me? Do you think the borrower has the right/privilege to change any ol' setting that they please?

Lawyer Kid said...

I'll give you that it's "kinda rude", but "disrespectful" seems way strong.

I don't think the borrower has the "right or privilege", but if they do it, I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that (after all, you DID lend it to them and then used it - maybe they are familiar with different settings). While it would have been courteous to change the settings back, the lesson for me would be that if it really annoyed me that much, I'd just not lend it to them next time.

Actually, that's something I've been learning alot recently. I've always operated off the principle of "Lend expecting nothing back". Since this has led to alot of people taking advantage of me, I'm simply going to stop lending.

So that's my advice then. If it bothers you that much, don't lend it out. Or just don't worry about it as much. Those would be my two cents (and suggestions) worth.

Mike said...

Actually, that's something I've been learning alot recently. I've always operated off the principle of "Lend expecting nothing back". Since this has led to alot of people taking advantage of me, I'm simply going to stop lending.

Ooooh, let's play spot the contradiction!

Lawyer Kid said...

I rather expected that comment too.

It's not a contradiction. If I am being generous to people who don't need my generosity, and they turn around and take advantage of/rip me off, I'm pretty sure that's not the principle.

If I lend you $50 and you don't pay me back, I'm pretty sure the principle says "let it go". But I'm pretty sure that it doesn't say "lend the person another $50". If it does, I'm not seeing that.

Jamie A. Grant said...

I like how Lawyer Kid was ranting about other people ranting. That seems very appropriate to me...

Lawyer Kid said...

Uh huh.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Poor L.K. I wrote here to pick on GPS jerks, then he picks on me and now he feels like we're picking on him. It's a tough life... ;)

Anonymous said...

i think you both need to get a life... jamie was it really that hard and Inconvenient to reset your gps? took you what all of 5 10 minutes. it probably took you longer to rant about it then it did to change it. That and it also gave you something else to write about on your blog so if anything you should probably be thankful.

ps if i lend somebody something i expect them to get use and enjoyment out of it.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Well put, Anonymous. Yes, this was mostly just an excuse to rant. And welcome to our infinite loop of ranting, as we rant against those that rant against those that rant. Heh.

C'mon, somebody say something about Anonymous here! Keep the chain going...

Anonymous said...

"i think you both need to get a life..." Since it's okay for you to be jusgemental about JAG's blog than it's okay for me to jusge you too right - cuz you're a royal jerk

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who read LK's post and immediately took a mental inventory of things I've borrowed from him? It doesn't appear that I'm one of the people who ripped him off, so shame on the rest of you!

Battle said...

It was me! I change it all the time!!! I change it every time I've ever had a chance! I changed it two weeks ago and the next time I'm in your car working the gps so you can get home I'll probably change it to a few different languages in between Toronto and Mississauga. ¿Qué es la diversión a poseer un GPS si usted puede cambiar los escenarios? If you don't like it, navigate yourself to a raptors game and back instead of having me and lawyerkid do the driving while you sit back in the back seat resting and eating snackfoods. You have a sick crush on the girl on the Gps box.

Talking about pet peeves, Doesn't it bug you when people attribute personalities to inatimate objects maybe name them? type in romantic loctions for the two of them to travel to?

Don't be mad that Tammy is the only "girl" you've ever managed to turn on.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we just shouldn't bother equating loans of any sort with generousity.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Battle, that was an awesome burn. Brutal comeback. My hat's off to you, good sir...

And I think the tone of the these comments, in general, has been hilarious. Y'all took the attitude of my blog post and just ran with it. Well done, everyone. :)