Monday, March 3, 2008

Grab a Surfboard

So, my life has been a massive tsunami of change lately. I have a new job, I'm living in a new city, I will be moving into a new apartment, and I'm getting married in less than four months. The only other thing I could have done was to skip the country entirely and learn to speak a new language. Heh. This ocean of life is moving pretty fast now...

The main difference that created this giant wave is my new job here in Mississauga. I recently landed a position as a Database Developer with OSL Marketing. I started my new job a little over one week ago and it's been fantastic so far. Plenty of fascinating work creating the database side of websites for famous brands like Pepsi and McCain. I'll probably post some links as my work is rolled out live but I definitely appreciate the fact that everyone will be able to see and use the fruits of my labour now.

It's a fascinating job for a cool company, with good benefits, fun/funky co-workers and some impressive management philosophy. I think that my talents will fit perfectly and I have plenty of room for my professional ambitions. I'm looking forward to being here for a long time. Thankfully, it's been great fun to delve into the database designs and offer my ideas, a distinct pleasure with very little stress.

On the other hand, almost all of my free time in the past few weeks has been devoted to apartment searches in the Mississauga area. Unlike being a database geek, this was a terrible ball of stress for me. To be honest, I was getting freaked out that I would not find something suitable at all. Every night, I was scouring the internet rental postings and calling place after place for more information. I visited a number of places during this period, and time was not on my side since I'm already working here.

After getting a feel for the local rental market, I tried to focus on basement apartments. The price range was much more manageable and it costs several hundred dollars more per month to upgrade to a proper high-rise apartment building. Granted, you get what you pay for - I had to sift through a lot of ugly options along the way. Kiss a lot of frogs to find your princess, as the saying goes.

So while money was a binding factor, my other main concern is that this apartment was no mere short-term residence. This was intended to be the first home for me and my fiance Cam after we get married in a few months, so I wanted it to be something that would actually deserve the title of "home" for us, at least for a while. Throw in the fact that we needed two parking spaces, since we're both working professionals in IT, and that made the pickings pretty slim.

Lo and behold, we managed to find a superb place this past Saturday. I'm moving in this coming Monday and it's fabulous. It's a basement apartment but since the house is on a slope, the back is actually a walk-out with a patio and private yard. It's extremely large, has two bedrooms, it's quite cheap and it's all-inclusive with internet access. I won't post pictures or anything but suffice it to say, we found a hidden gem. Many thanks to Cam for all of her work and advice during this entire process as well, especially since speaking to strangers isn't exactly my forte.

And speaking of thanks, much of it must go to Josh and Beth Jones, Josh being the brother of the infamous Abe. Abe got me into contact with his brother once he heard that I was moving to the area, and Josh was quite helpful in giving me local advice. Astonishingly, Josh and Beth also offered to let me stay with them in the guest room in their apartment during these first few weeks, and I still can't believe how generous they have been to me. I was going to have to take a motel room and their kind offer made my life sooo much easier.

The next four months or so will still be crazy. I have to get settled into the new apartment, pack up and move all of worldly possessions, and start the gradual process of importing Cam's belongings. Somewhere in there, Cam and I have to finish planning our wedding. I'm the Best Man for Battle's wedding at the end of this month and I'm a Groom's Man for Lawyer Kid's wedding in May. I expect to succeed spectacularly at work, of course. And the hardest part, by far, is that I only get to see Cam on weekends when I go back to London. Yeah...

The waves of life are crashing all around but the horizon is getting brighter and the dawn is going to be brilliant. I'll be happiest four or five months from now after the this phase of frantic activity is over and I can settle into my life with my new wife. Until then, I guess I'll just grab a surfboard and try to enjoy the ride...


David Grant said...

Wow. I got tire just reading your latest blog! Fear not, my son. Help is on the way. Me and pa have begun to pack your stuff...18 boxes of comics books and counting!....And we haven't even touched the closet yet! Not that we are in any real rush to get rid of you.....ha. But we know how busy you are and so we are packing you up so you can spend more time with Cam when you come down. We love Cam. We love you. Bonne journée, mon fils. On t'aime beaucoup. On pense à toi souvent. Mmmmmoi. Ma

Maui said...

s'up. packing and moving wouldn't be such a logistical nightmare if you just got rid of ur comics and toys. besides that i could fit it all in my gym bag and call it a day.... just saying

David said...

such a stressed out life. How about trying this. two kids under 3 with a pregnant wife, no car but the joy of having a mortgage at 18% and paying $625 a month. A great job paying $3.25 per hour and only an 8 km walk to get there. On top of that getting a foreclosure letter from the bank telling us to pay up or get out in 60 days.

Oh I forgot, some people in the church did drop by with some dated, broken cookies to bless the kids.

David Grant said...

Man. Your brother and father are really egging you on by making fun of what YOU call stress. Stress is all relative, no matter what anyone says. That is why I am helping you pack while "others" are making fun of you! We love teasing you Jamie. Your father did leave out an important bit of information: he was 24 years old at the time…so he does speak from experience! And just to set the record straight, your brother Dave speaks the truth: if it wasn't for your precious comic book collection, all your worldly possessions COULD fit in a hockey bag! Sad but true, my little comic-book collector!

Had I known that by going to Dixon’s bookstore to buy those 10 cents comic books would later create a comic book fanatic out of you, I NEVER would have brought you there! But now it’s Cam’s problem so I gladly pass on the torch! One other thing. I understand wanting to collect Superman and Spiderman comic books but you still keep those old ratty kiddy comic books like Richy Rich and Donald Duck. What’s that about? I’m just saying….. Ma

Anonymous said...

so anyways...

Jamie, I want you to know how amazing this time in your life is. So many of the things you're going to be experiencing will be the only time you will ever experience them. From the planning of your wedding and living on your own for a few months, to your closest friends getting married...this is a very special time for you. Yes, the stress of things will be felt and the twitch in your eye might return...but I hope you will embrace everything just the same. The good and not so's all a part of this great journey your on. Take it all in.


Jamie A. Grant said...

Merci, ma famille! It's funny that all of you commented on this post, that has definitely never happened on my blog before.

So, you think you had many more problems do deal with than I do, eh, Pa? You're saying that, by comparison, I shouldn't complain too much.

Well, at least you had two great kids, a healthy and pregnant wife, a home to call your own, some kind of job, a good church, and you were healthy enough to walk 8 km a day. I know people that have none of those things. By comparison, your life wasn't very tough at all. You were extremely blessed, actually. So what are you complaining about? ;)

Jamie A. Grant said...

Holy crap, I have 18 boxes of comics now? When we first moved in, I had around 12 or 13 boxes. I've certainly accumulated a lot in the last four years or so. Too many Florida flea markets, I suspect.

Dave: Yeah, yeah, true 'nuff. So little have I. Good thing Cam has plenty of furniture for both of us.

L: Thanks for your loving words. I liked 'em so much I quoted them to Cam just yesterday, the part about experiencing some of these major events for the only time in my life. And you crack about my eye twitch made me laugh out loud... :)

Ma: Don't dis Dixon's. I still love that little place. Laura and I went there when we visited Peterborough last year, just for the sake of nostalgia. And for the record, the classic Donald Duck series was written and drawn by Carl Barks and stands as a pinnacle of artistic acheivement to this day. Take that!

David Grant said...

twas I complaining? Perhaps. It was really just stating the facts. The reality is I wouldn't wish those days on anyone but now they make life all the sweeter. Compared to others our life has been nothing but good. We just didn't realize it at times.

I am so proud to call you my son.

Cam said...

I say leave his clothes, I've got enough to fill all the closets : )

Ah, the joys of moving... my family remembers moving me to my apartment, I doubt they'll want to help move me again ; )

Love you too!
ps. I look forward to flipping though some of those comics ; )

Lori said...

Scott and I dated long distance (Toronto to St. Thomas for a couple of years). I totally know how hard that can be - you miss each other so much, the week goes by soooo slowly, and you need a good long distance plan.

A glorious bright light is at the end of 4 months though, so that's pretty soon. Great blog, love the details, and such a wonderful family you have and are growing.