Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Evangelism vs. Discipleship

Should we go into the world and preach? Or should we go into the world and disciple? (Reference: The Setup)

The Great Commission isn't fulfilled just because a person becomes a Christian. It takes more to help that young Christian grow and mature. You're not done with the person when you're done at the altar. Jesus is telling us that it takes more.

The question I posed above is a bit of a trick question. It's not that we should do one or the other; we should do both. We need to evangelise to the lost and help them come to Christ, and we need to be there for them to help them grow in Christ afterwards. As a group of Christians, and for each of us individually, we need to fulfill the full scope of Jesus' command.


Aleah said...
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Aleah said...

I said previously, before I accidently deleted it....hehe, that I fully agree with you on your evangalism thing, but boy is it hard to do! (why did I have to sign in to post a comment?)

Jamie A. Grant said...

Blogger just introduced a new commenting system. I used to use a third-party site to host my comments called HaloScan, as Joel Timmerman does now. I agree that it's annoying to login just to make a quickie comment, but I didn't want to get stuck when the third-party company went off-line, since that has happened before to Blogger users.

I was talking to Richard Phillips this week about some cool ideas he has learned regarding evangelism. I'll be posting more on that line of thought as I go along.

Jamie A. Grant said...

BTW, I happen to agree with you, Aleah. Evangelism is hard to do. I can't say that I've personally had too much success with it during my lifetime, though I've had some. More thoughts to come in later posts...

Aleah said...

Ahhh, ok. Yeah, I switched to to HaloScan, just 'cause not a lot of my friends have a blog thingy.

Thanks for putting me on your links button!

It is definitely hard. I find it difficult to do the first thing! It's kinda nerve racking because you don't know how someone will respond to what you have to tell them. That's where it gets difficult for me.