Serengeti Trek
Hello to everyone that was in my group during the Serengeti Trek! I will be posting several pictures for you later on this week, so come back in a day or two.
Story Time: During the past week at the daily kid's camp (or DVBS), we had a competition for the leaders during one of the main sessions. They had the leaders from the various troupes competing against one another. They handed us a clear plastic tube that was about two metres long and then they used a funnel and cracked an egg open into each side, allowing the yolk to travel into the middle. The idea was that both contestants would start blowing on either side, trying to force the egg yolk towards the other person. If you lost, you got a mouthful of egg yolk! Yuck!
I went up against a leader named Murph from Zach's Pack, the Zebra group. I was taking a deep breath, getting ready to blow my hardest. They yelled, "One, Two, Three...GO!" and I blew my hardest right away. Only then did I see that Murph had chosen that very second to pull the tube away from his mouth and he was pointing his end right at me. I already blown that egg yolk forcefully through the tube, so it all came splashing right into my own face! It was dripping down the back of my neck, into and onto my shirt and it was all over my arms.
That was pretty funny, all right. I have no given Murph the nickname Egg (to borrow a nickname from someone else). And to top it off, I won that battle because Murph gave up. My team, the Lug's Thugs (we were elephant group) got into the finals for this competition because of my nobel sacrifice and because our other leaders had won their battles. The finale was a tense struggle that took more than one minute to complete as the two women leaders slowly blew the egg yolk one way and then the other through the tube. I tell ya, I don't think that there's anything quite as bad as blowing furiously and seeing the egg yolk slowly travel up towards your mouth. Blagh! In the end, our team won that egg contest.
And finally, here's another picture that the day camp staff has up on their website under the Wednesday section. The two guys on the right were part of my group. (I know their names, of course, but I'll be discreet about posting them on the internet.)