Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Links & Blinks

Bumper Cars: On January 16th, 2007 in Portland, there was some freezing rain and then some light snow that covered the ice. In one area of this one town, somebody caught a video of people trying to drive around in these conditions. Since these roads had slight inclines, cars were going everywhere. Basically, fifteen different cars gradually get smashed up because people are idiots. It's crazy! Here's the original video and here's my original source.

Python Circus: This is an odd little story about a 5.5 metre python that escaped at a circus, found the animal caretaker and strangled her. The incident was only later discovered when it was too late. I know about workplace hazzards but this is ridiculous.

Komodo Mom & Pop: A Komodo dragon in a zoo in England recently gave birth to several baby dragons, despite the fact that this femal has never had contact with a male. Several other types of lizard have been known to do this but this is the first time that the largest lizard on earth is known to have done this virgin birth.

True or False: Bats always turn left when leaving a cave. Anyone know? It sounds like an urban legend to me but I heard it repeated on a car commercial this past week as a fact.

As quoted on Overheard at Western:
Two girls are talking about Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans.
Girl #1: That show is hilarious. I saw one where they asked Americans how they felt about Canada finally becoming a part of North America. Then they got them to fully congratulate Canada and stuff, on air!
Girl #2: Ugh, dumbass Americans. They're all just so ignorant.
Girl #1: I know, like, what the hell? Don't they learn about North America in, like, grade 8 geography? I mean, hello, North America has TWO countries, people!!!
Girl #2: Yeah, seriously!

So how many countries are there in North America? (Here's the answer.)


Anonymous said...

#1. seriously people.
#2. sucks to be her.
#3. that's awesome.
#4. false.
#5. more than two i knew, but 23?.

Ashleigh said...

Crazy stuff....I would have never guessed 23 countries either.

Just a small FYI...The bumper cars actually happened in Portland, not Poland...

Thank you for vindicating my snake phobia...LOL!

Anonymous said...

ahahahahah Laura!!!

Jevan said...

Apparently, bats do not suffer from Derek Zoolander's afflication: "I'm an ambiturner! I can't turn left!"

Or George Costanza - "Guys have only one way they can go! George is a rightie...he can't go left!"

Abe said...

The car one reminds me of what happens when it snows in Vancouver, 2 inches and the city grinds to a halt (or slides, as the case may be).

Ashleigh said...

My best friend Sherry lives in Georgia, and she tells me that the same thing happens when they about an inch of snow. They are literally so unprepared for it that everything basically shuts down until it melts...

Jevan said...

Oh yeah...and I meant to ask you. Why do you use Kimodo rather than Komodo? Both the site you link to and Wikipedia say "Komodo"?

Jamie A. Grant said...

*sigh* I was sick the day that I posted this and apparently it effected my writing a bit. Yeah, that's the ticket...

"Poland" has now been changed to "Portland." "Kimodo" has been changed to "Komodo," which I presumably mixed up with the word "kimono." Bunch of keeners.

As for the countries in North America, I would have usually said 3 since I have always considered Central America to be a distinct area. Continentally, though, there's no such thing as Central America so 23 makes sense in that regard. And there's no such thing as the word "continentally."

And the second video for the official television newscast for that car accident shows the fire truck that eventually arrived on the scene. Evidentally a couple more cars smashed into the fire truck after it arrived, which just makes this story all the more absurd.