Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Three Changes (Part II)

As I wrote about here, I'm now starting the application process to become a Big Brother. I attended an orientation meeting this evening for potential "Bigs." There were about ten other guys there, all in their mid-twenties. The application process will take me between two and four weeks to complete, I think.

I have to give an application with plenty of character references that the "case workers" will phone for brief interviews. I have to complete the expected police check and have a preliminary interview that will take between one and two hours. I will eventually get a match with a child and then have an interview with the child's mother. Once that's all done, among a few other details, I'll get to start spending one day a week with a young boy.

It's all coming together now. What's not to love!

1 comment:

Aleah said...

Congrats to ya, Jamie!