Monday, January 3, 2005

Three Changes

Happy New Year, everyone. I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions because most of them fail and because I think that we should be striving to improve ourselves throughout the year. Still, I have a couple of things that I've been thinking about for a while and, by coincidence, these changes will take place in the beginning of 2005. Consider these to be my three resolutions.

1) Apply to join Big Brothers.
2) Create a bi-weekly budget.
3) Join a weekly basketball program.

I wrote about joining Big Brothers before. The main reason I didn't join already is that I'm not sure if I can commit to a full year, which is the minimum requirement. Since all signs point to being here in Canada for at least another year, I think I'll move ahead with this now.

Regarding basketball, I've always been interested in joining a men's league in town but I've never been able to find one. I mentioned this to a few guys last week and they know a few people that play baskteball regularly somewhere. I just need to follow up on that and I'm in.


Amanda said...

Sounds good. Why do you want to create a bi-weekly budget?

I'm all for self improvement. I plan on skiing at least 3 times a week and not making a fool of myself at the bar.


Jamie A. Grant said...
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Jamie A. Grant said...

I need a budget because I suck at controlling my finances. I'm much too apt to spend money on things like going out for dinner or to a movie. This is one of the things that I've been trying to do for many months now.

Amanda said...

I'm no good with money either. I can barely balance my checkbook, and I could use a weekly budget for spending money, since I always seem to be running to the bank.

Big Brothers & basketball sound good too.


Aleah said...

Good aspirations, Jamie! I hope you accomplish them.