Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Bikes, Baseball & Beyond

Here's a funny article about how people from different places around the world tend to get on their bicycles. Seems in US, people prefer to sit on the bike first and then start to move. Elsewhere, like in China, the correct approach as a skilled rider is to use the bike as a scooter to get some momentum before you jump on. Me, I tend to use the second approach.

Did you hear this story about how NASA lost the video of the original moon landing? They're currently looking for it because they wanted to digitally enhance it and they seem to have misplaced it. More fodder for conspiracy theorists that say it was all faked, eh? And speaking of space, did you hear that Cape Breton in Nove Scotia is building a new private space port?

I'm heading out this coming Sunday to the Grand Valley women's prison in Kitchener. I'm going with the worship team from my church to do some ministry there. I know I've mentioned this before but I missed our last opportunity in the beginning of April and I've been looking forward to this trip ever since then.

I've been playing on the GTA "C" Team this summer in our church baseball league. The top three teams in each division go to the playoffs. Each year, the A and B teams have gone to the playoffs but the C team never has. This year, we maintained third place for the first three months but we have faltered down the stretch in August. In the span of only two weeks, we lost three of four games and dropped from third to fifth. With only two weeks remaining, we still have an outside chance but we sort of feel like the Blue Jays right now. Heh.

I've been pitching most of the year, except for the six weeks that I was out while on crutches. This past Monday, my mom and my distant cousin Chris showed up unexpectedly at my game and my mome got a few action shots of me. Enjoy!


Lori said...

I don't ride bikes anymore. When I was 15 I did a super Dave off of one, and nearly died. All of my jewelry disappeared from the impact imagine that. I landed so far away from my bike that when I got up (from a pile of mud of course) I couldn't find it. I was really mad because I don't know how the accident happened I was just in the air suddendly at a furious speed.

Hey those are some action shots alright! Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I take the "sit then ride" approach to biking. The second approach scares me! (Most likely stemming from a painful bike accident I experienced as a child.)

And as for the NASA situation. Well, they faked it once I'm sure they can fake it again. Yeah, that's right. Deal. L

Anonymous said...

Run Forest Run!

Jamie A. Grant said...

Heh. I loved the comment, Tara.

My goodness, comments from Nate on both my blog and Aleah's blog. It's like the boy finally figured out how to use the net.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jamie,

how did the ministry go at the woman's prison yesterday??
