Friday, December 7, 2007

Links & Blinks

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Ha! My perspicacity is undeniable. Many thanks to my friend Mike, whose blog supposedly requires postgrad education just to have a sweet clue what he's talking about. I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not but he seems to think it is. I expected Dan's blog to qualify for the same status, as Abe playfully mocked here, but this evaluation claims that you only need high school for that one. 'S funny.

As for other recent blogs, my fiance Cam has some Christmas tree pics up. Ashleigh has a friend that recently published their own book, entitled The Invisible War. Steve gets nostalgic about old Saturday morning cartoons, my favourite being G.I.Joe.

We bid farewell to the Jennifer's blog. She has been posting off and on since August 2004 and she has some honestly revelational pieces in there about topics like grief and the loss of loved ones that will move you. A few other blogs have been deleted over the past month or two as well, and Lawyer Kid is the new semi-anonymous blog of one of my good friends whose initials may or may not be JET.

Thanks to everyone that responded to my recent posts about Marriage Manners and Wedding Crashers. Lawyer Kid responds with his this blog about his own rules for weddings, and he seems to emphasize Rule #1 a bit. Fascinating stuff, everyone, it was the best discussion on here in a while and I loved hearing the contrasting viewpoints.

One more link for the road: My dad uses the now-common catch-phrase BOCTAOE. The term was coined by Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comics. Scott has a habit of toying with new ideas on his blog (which I read faithfully 'cause it's hilarious). The problem is that every new idea is often met with examples of how a general statement does not apply in a particular situation.

"The sky is blue." "Well, sometimes the sky is red at sunset." "No kidding. BOCTAOE!" The original statement is still true enough as an observation but people love to nit-pick and disagree and defend their own positions without really giving the original statement any serious consideration.

"The modern church does not encourage one-on-one friendships." "That's not true 'cause I met my best friend through my church." "Sure, but I met five people in church in the past three months that do not have even one friend." Open discussion to see if maybe, just maybe, the modern church isn't all it's cracked to be is hard if everyone just assumes that church is fine as it is. We can never improve and grow as individuals and as a church if the BOCTAOEs keep getting in the way. Let me hear an Amen!


Jamie A. Grant said...

Weird. I as reviewing my blog links just to keep 'em up to date and I discovered that someone very recently joined the ancient Topic Crunchers forum that we stopped using in 2003. Freaky!

Lawyer Kid said...

I don't mind if people know who I am (as I know many of you do), but I do need to keep this somewhat anonymous - at least, un-googleable (if that's a word).

Titus said...

I just emailed the "new member" at Topic Crunchers. I'm curious to know how they found us....

Mike said...

Does King Mob pop up in the book?

Mike said...

Well I left a message there, and used my moderator superpowers to delete the porn.

Mike said...

I totally just left a bunch of messages on TCR. Hind sight is 20/20!