Friday, March 10, 2006

Links & Blinks

Congratulations to Tara! She received her G1 Driver's Licence this past Tuesday. I took her out for her very first driving lesson on Wednesday night before we went to cell group. C'mon, people, giving driving lessons isn't scary or frustrating. It just requires some courage and patience - and the will to put an expensive vehicle at risk.

Tara also had a job interview at the same company at which Richard works. She has training later today with them, which may or may not mean that she has the job. She wasn't sure if it was a try-out training session or if it means that she'll be working there soon.

My brother's blog on his MSN Space site is now open for public viewing. He can be rather verbose when he wants to be. He also has a few pictures of my family this past Christmas under the "December 31" photo album.

Oh look, Elyse has an almost-blog up on her MSN Space site as well.

Have y'all heard the hype about Origami yet? It's a new hand-held computer from Micorosft. It's bigger than a pocket PC, about the size of a portable DVD player. It will include full Windows and come with the tablet-PC touch-screen interface, like I have on my full-sized laptop. It's supposed to be between $500 and $1000. In theory, people will prefer to have a full desktop computer at home with this Origami machine for school and trips and whatnot.


Battle said...

It doesn't mean she has the job. But most of the people who show up to training get hired.

Aleah said...

Congrats to Tara!

Yeah, I've heard about that. It looks pretty interesting...but not justifiable for purchase