Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Introverts Unite!

"Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice?

If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out?"

That's a quote from this article. That pretty much sounds like me and to this I say: Introverts of the world unite!

Yesterday, I wrote this post in which I described how bad I am at chit chat and small talk. I thought that I was making a minor observation for amusement's sake only. What do you know, more people responded to that post in a single day then have responded to my posts in the last month. (Some responded by e-mail.) Many of the responses agreed that I need to do better with casual conversations and that I should get over myself 'cause it's rude.

I agree but only to a point. That is, after all, why I wrote my post in the first place. However, I would like to note that most people are extroverts and social conversations are therefore important to them. I am not an extrovert and it's somewhat chaffing to be squeezed into that box of social norms. Extroverts may take lack of small talk as a sign that introverts do not care about them, but introverts may take the judgment that we're rude as a rejection of who we are.

So I tell you what. When I have conversations, either in person or on the phone, I'll keep in mind that others value some unrelated pleasantries about life in general. In return y'all can recognize that it requires extra work for me to do so and you can either lead the conversation or allow me my space after a while. Heh. Good compromise?


Anonymous said...

I've always loved the quote "Seek to understand before being understood". I try to do this especially when someone takes the time to help me understand them. Having said that, I enjoy your personality just the way it is, and wouldn't want you to change in anyway, shape or form. Now yes, compromise is sweet but I think that comes naturally to you already.

Anonymous said...

:D Jamie, you're great. And Lori, I think you're the nicest person have have (almost) met -your comments are so uplifting.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Andrea, I'm glad there is a stronger pattern of the nice comments ; - )

Jevan said...

Everyone is just so nice! (sorry, couldn't resist)...

Actually, J, I had no idea that you felt this way about introvertedness - I always thought you were more of an extrovert. So there you go. Apparently you have finely-tuned chameleon skillzzzz...

PS - I'm blogging again!

Ashleigh said...

I admire you for stepping up and saying "Hey, this is how I am." But at the same time, making an effort to comprimise.

I'm a pretty social person when I'm around people that I know well, but other than that, I pretty much make myself invisible. Just coming to GTA for the first time a few years ago, made me so uncomfortable (I thought every eye in the place was on me, even though that wasn't the case), that I stayed away for over a year and a half.

So needless to say...I have a tough time in crowds and new situations.

Again, kudos to you for making an effort. I'll do my best to follow suit.

God bless.

P.S. I 100% agree with Andrea's comment... :)