Monday, February 12, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Theatre...

From left to right in the above picture there is Grace, me, Celia and Catharina. I've known these Terry girls for more than six years now, since they were all pre-teens. They have grown up quite a bit during that time and now they're all teenagers. I got to know them when I was a member of FCCC, the church that Leonard Terry used to pastor. My entire family was scattered across the globe during this time and they always invited me into their home. I was there quite a bit during that period.

I have grown to love the entire Terry clan. I was around when Seth was born, I remember Rhea as a toddler, I have gone on trips with them to Colorado, I've been friends with all of the older kids...I have a lot of memories. Too many to detail here, actually. I love this family very much. And I have been honoured to watch these three girls as they have matured and grown into young ladies, and I treasure the fact that I have been able to be a part of their lives.

To celebrate my friendship with them, I decided to take them on a formal date. By coincidence, this happened to fall right in the period of Valentines Day so that was a nice touch. We all dressed up very nicely and I picked them on Sunday afternoon on Feburary 11, 2007.

As you can see in the above picture, I bought each of them three roses. The red rose indicates love because I love them so much. White indicates purity, and in combination with the red rose this indicates pure love. The peach-cloured rose indicates that I am proud of them and I cherish them. (I was also looking for a yellow rose to signify friendship but I couldn't find those, unfortunately.)

From there, we drove into town for dinner at The Keg. We arrived in London a bit early so we went through a car wash, just to shine the van up and have the thrill of quickie amusement park ride. Once we got into The Keg, we parked the van out back and went in, which was a new experience for the girls because none of them had been there before.

During dinner, we had a selection of appetizers. All three of them wanted to stick with garlic cheese bread but I insisted on ordering a few other options. I managed to get them to try the calamari ("mini octopi" as they kept calling it), which Celia and Catharina enjoyed but Grace refused. I could not get any of them to eat the escargot but they did taste the muchrooms that came with it. The escargot there is excellent, by the way, the best that I have ever had.

Three of us had succulent steaks whilst Celia sawed away at a full rack of ribs. Over dinner, I related a few bits of trivia about Valentines (as I mentioned here) and I told them about the meaning of the colours of the roses. We reminisced about our many years as friends and I expressed how much I love each of them and how they have all grown up.

After we left the Keg, we intended to take the van to go see a movie. I got into the van first to turn it on and warm it up and then Grace came around to the front passenger side door. She spoke to me about the mess, which was odd since she had not opened the door yet but I could still hear her plainly. I turned...and it was then that I saw the smashed glass all over the passenger seat.

That's right. Someone smashed through that window and broke into my van. The thief had rifled through the glove box and around various things in the front. Afterwards, we realized that Catharine had left her purse on that seat, which was a tempting target. I had left my jacket draped over the middle between the seats on top of my CDs, just be happenstance. Apparently it looked an awful lot like a jacket hiding a laptop bag.

Obviously the thief was in a rush since later I spoke to a couple that had arrived shortly after we had gotten there and it had already been smashed by that time. The thief ignored the expensive FM Tuner and battery converter that were lying right there and only took Catharina's purse. Fortunately for Catharina, she had no money in it and had only a few identification cards that will have to be replaced.

There wans't much of a point in going to the cops since there's little that they would be able to do. More importantly, I eventually needed to return the girls home so I wasn't going to waste time at the police reporting station. No need to blow our evening because of this situation. Instead, we drove 15 minutes to get back to my house. We parked the van, took a couple of pictures and switched to my dad's car.

After that, we drove to Rainbow cinemas and got there in plenty of time for the movie. I had not realized that Dreamgirls was basically a musical but the story was excellent and the songs fit right in with the movie and with that era. Starring Beyonce, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy and others, it paid homage to old Motown stars of the 60's and 70's. During dinner, I had given the girls a brief history lesson on Motown, Dina Ross and The Supremes, James Brown, and the transition from Motown to Disco. The movie touched on those same characters and stories, while simulatenously being completely fictional. Great movie, even if some of the songs dragged on a bit too long. And if anyone is not aware of that lineage of music, I highly recommend edumacating yourself.

All in all, it was a fabulous night. Lovely and beautiful girls, laughter and memories, fine dining, fun movies and one really memorable event. As a final note on that "memorable event," I should mention my initial reaction once I saw the broken glass in my van. I could not help but laugh heartily as soon as I realized what had happened. The girls were shocked at the break-in and then they were doubly shocked at my reaction. C'mon now, though. It was hilarious! What a wonderfully bad moment in what would have been perfect evening. I loved it all.


Jamie A. Grant said...

As an additional bit of humour, my dad remarked on how he has never had anyone break into his car before. As for me in the past few years with this van, I have had my licence plate stole, a computer stolen last summer when someone broke the lock on a door, and now this. Three times lucky?

Ashleigh said...

I just have one word for you Mr. Grant....BURN!

Jamie A. Grant said...

HA! Thanks, Ashleigh. That's so what I would have said to someone else.

And to add another level of humour to this, earlier on Sunday one of the Korean boys got a concussion and my dad had to go to the hospital with him. On Sunday night, this happened. On Monday morning, one of my brother's fellow students knocked his Mac laptop off of his desk as it was booting and he lost everything.

That's three major family mishaps within 24 hours. Oh, burn!

Ashleigh said...

Man, and I thought having to walk to church yesterday was bad...YIKES!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that really sucks but at least you were able to laugh it off. Last year our truck was broken into while we were at Church and I lost about $200.00 in US and all of my ID. It's really hard to get your ID back when you have none what-so-ever and don't have any bills in your name, urgh! Now, I've learned my lesson and have started leaving some of my ID in a safe place.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great night out for all of you. Three lovely ladies on one date...WOW!! It's beautiful too that you didn't get upset over the vandalism to your van. In the sermon on Sunday, Howard mentioned how we should have an eternal perspective and know that everything we "own" is really just on loan to us. You displayed the right attitude -I guess that over the years not just the Terry girls have matured, but so have you. :)

Anonymous said...

Your crazy thta was a sweet valentines date if you ask me three beautiful ladies and a bad car theft but at least you had fun
wow everything is gong crazy at your house good times jamie

Jamie A. Grant said...

Good warning about the ID, Michelle. As it happens, I called The Keg on Monday and they do have Catharina's purse because someone turned it in. So that worked out nicely for her, at least.

And what was that, Andrea? I've matured? Perish the thought!

Actually, I don't think that I can take too much credit for any kind of spirituality. My personality dictates that I don't get too emotional easily, so I chalk part of it up to that. It comes in handy in situations like this.

Anonymous said...

haha. well maybe I'll drop the maturtity comment then... nah. I still know that you have.

My wallet was stolen last week and I was very blessed to get it back (minus the cash). God told a couple people where it was (tossed in the garbage at the church) and so I got it back. The ID would have been very dangerous to lose.

On a second note, a little girl left her purse visible in my car Sunday afternoon and I told her that she had to hide it if she was going to leave it there... because even if her purse had little value (I've heard this excuse before from people who leave things in my car) I told her that my windows are expensive and I don't want them broken. I guess that's another lesson for us drivers to learn -to check our own car in case people we drove are being careless with their belongings.

OPEN DOOR is a very effective place to learn from that mistake. ...I have...a couple times.

solnechko said...

Yeah... I totally remember when you (andrea) lost a whole back pack full of textbooks and a full year's worth of notes from your courses... just before exams...

The worst part was knowing that your 5000$ investment meant diddlysquat to the person who stole it. You rummaged through all the dumpsters EOA and came up with nothing... lol... that was when we learned to lock things in the the trunk...

outta sight, outta mind...

Anonymous said...

Good times Jamie...good times. I am still shocked at how you reacted though.(laughing hialriously).

Jamie A. Grant said...

Shona & Andrea: Yeah, now I'm paranoid about leaving expensive stuff lying in plain view, or leaving a jacket haphazzardly covering something. Ah, learning the hard way...

And Grace: Good times, good times. I will laugh for a long time whenever I remember that evening.

Lori said...

I love roses, classic and traditional. You so didn't deserve for your van to be broken into, but it's not what happens in life it's how you deal, and well you deal really well so good on you. Your relationship with these girls is so special, it's heartwarming.