Friday, February 2, 2007

A Pup & His Friends

There is a story I know,
Only a year ago or so,
When two puppies were found
In the pound.

One puppy, one day,
Was taken away
And the other was left
By himself.

This puppy broke out
To try and find out
Where his friend was and why
He had left

A sewer he found
With a gator way down
Who welcomed him in
with a grin

The pup ran away
To a watery bay
But the fish that he met
Would not help.

He then ran with a pack
Of bigger dogs that
Had no interest in finding
His friend

So off the pup went
Looking each way and then
He came to a cat
Who was lost.

The pup helped the cat
Find its way home and that
Gave him hope of finding
His friend.

He came to a tree
With a bird at his feet
The bird asked for help
To get up.

The pup helped him up
Then continued, the pup
In the way that the bird
Had pointed.

He came to a house
And he barked out aloud
And there, at long last,
Was his friend!

They jumped and they played
And the pup then did say
How alone and how scared
He had been.

His friend pointed out
He had made friends throughout
His long journey to get
To this place.

The pup then discovered
That friends help each other
And friends are just trying
To find us.

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