Monday, July 30, 2007

All The News

Super-excellent-fantastic congratulations to my good friend Joel Timmerman. He become engaged to Lindsay Myles this past Friday, which was the week of their first anniversary. The wedding is already set for May 17th (which happens to be one day after my birthday). They're a wonderful couple and it's always nice to see Joel talk about Lindsay with that love in his eyes...

He posted a quick blurb on his blog and he has changed his facebook relationship status, which is about as official as it gets these days. There are five guys in the large wedding party, including myself, and his brother Zach will be the best man. Good luck to Zach in figuring out all of the stuff that the best man has to do!

In other news, I finally landed a job. Indeed! After scouting the globe for senior positions in software development, I re-focused recently to search locally. I found a company called Atlas Chiropractic Systems, which is based out of Tillsonburg and is only 30-35 minutes from my house. It's a small startup company that is already doing very well and my varied talents will be put to good use, though my primary role will be as a computer programmer. And since it's such a small company, a lot of my previous experience with small companies will be quite valuable to us. It should be exciting!

And finally, for all of you old FCCC members, we're having a reunion picnic on Monday August 6th, which is the civic holiday. It will be held at the Terry's home in Fingal and you need to contact them to confirm that you're coming. While there are some friends that I see semi-regularly every few months, there is a wider circle of people that I haven't seen in a while and it will be nice to see y'all again.


solnechko said...

congrats on the job!

Anonymous said...

Very happy that you landed the job! Wonder why you changed your focus to local?!?! Best wishes on the relationship as well!

Cam said...

Yay for Lindsay and Joel!! :D

Congratulations to You on your new job! I'm happy you're sticking around : ) xo