Friday, July 27, 2007

Sweet Dreams

Ladies and Gentlemen, introducing the girl of my sweet dreams...Cam Tran.

I have known Cam Tran for a number of years now, at least as an acquaintance. I originally met her when the youth group at FCCC helped Jane Viktor move into her new apartment. After that, I spoke to Cam once in a while because she went to my church and was dating a guy that I knew. At one point while chatting at church, I learned that she was looking for a job and I knew of an opening within my company in Quality Assurance (software testing). I pushed her a bit over the next few weeks and I talked to my bosses directly, and she landed the job.

Soon after that, I took over as Team Lead for the QA department at AV-Base Systems. Along with Michelle Pedden, Cam and I worked closely for about a year on a number of projects. On a professional basis, she improved and excelled at her work and I always gave her and Michelle full credit for their achievements. Of course, I would never in a million years consider dating somebody that I was supervising.

Back in November 2006, I resigned from the company in order to join a startup venture. Over the course of that final month with the company and the next six months after I left, my friendship with several co-workers grew. I really cared (and I still care) about the people that I was supervising and my co-workers, and on a professional basis I have kept touch with many of those people. I went out for lunch once a month with Michelle and Cam just to encourage them, and a group of us visited Lori Worthington a few times since she went on maternity leave and had her first baby girl. (Hi Brooke!)

On Saturday June 16th, Cam and I visited Lori along with Tara and Ashleigh. Later on, Lori ever-so-subtly asked me if I was interested in dating Cam. Lori had hinted at the question two months before, as she is prone to doing, but this was the first time that I actually considered it seriously. For a long time, Cam was involved with another guy and then I was her supervisor at work, so I never even allowed myself to think in that way. It took a bit of a slap to the head to make me realize that Cam had been single for a while and I was no longer working with her. (So kudos to Lori for playing match-maker!)

I asked Cam out on a date on Monday June 18th. We each had busy weeks scheduled so our first date was on Sunday June 24th. We took an impromptu road trip to Strathroy for the sake of random fun using my GPS. Since then, we have gone on other road trips, watched movies, gone out with friends, had a bonfire, gone to church, met each other's families and have generally had a lot of fun together.

From casual acquaintance, to church acquaintance, to co-worker, to work friend, to personal friend, to romantic relationship. I have always loved the ideal of being friends with a girl before we started dating and there she was, right in front of me and I didn't even realize it at first. Surprised by life...I'm a lucky, lucky man and God is amazing.

I always admired Cam for her intelligence and skills in her professional life and I always appreciated her personality. While her faith in God is relatively young, she has a depth and wisdom in her spiritual life that is incredibly rare to find. Her love for her family, her laughter and sense of humour, her eclectic interests, her talents, the way she thinks, the woman that she is today...and let's not forget her stunning beauty, as these photos can attest. I am awestruck every time I look at her and every time I think about her.

My friend, my confidante, my soul mate.


Jennifer said...

awww... :)
Thanks for sharing on here Jamie! I hope we get to meet her at the next wing night or sometime soon!

Lori said...

On June 16th I served you both LOVE POTION No.9 ;-)

Nick said...

Is Lori for hire? LOL

Lori said...

Hey Nick, you never know maybe someday we will meet and I'll hook you up with one of your own friends too!

Abe said...

Hurray! Bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony and love story with me Jamie. You and Cam make a lovely's not every day that we find our kindred's the way it was meant to be, God is soooo good, all the time. As I was reading your blog I felt that you're a very good writer and thought that maybe you could pursue this talent in your life. I'm so glad that you're filled with the Holy Spirit and are being led by Him. May His blessings overtake you!!!
Aunt Carmen

Unknown said...


solnechko said...


THAT is sooo cool, Jamie... I did like Cam when I met her... Um... when that weird dominatrix lady was all over you... ugh.

Hee hee, you're funny about publishing your life story online, you know. I don't think I truly understand you. But by giving all details out, I guess it does save you the hassle of having nosy people like me grill you later for the full scoop. Ah. Now I will have nothing to say! hahaha...

looking forward to what is ahead... up up up!

Jamie A. Grant said...

Nick and Lori, y'all are hilarious.

Jen, Cam may indeed show up at a Wing Night at some point but no guarantees.

Ma tante Carmen, merci beaucoup. Comme toujours, tu est une encouragement pour moi.

Shona, I don't think that it's so odd to post this on my blog. Amy Styles just did it last week, and my friend Joel Timmerman just posted about his recent engagement. It's more effective than shouting it from the rooftops, anyway. And you're right, it saves me from having to tell our story so many times.

To all of my other friends, thanks for the best wishes. Much appreciated.

Cam said...

:) Responding to your sweetness....

Unknown said...

hehe! That's awesome Jamie!! Welcome to the wonderful wide world of couplehood!!! Now we should all get together and do couply things cuz it's really fun!! hehe! We'll have to get you and Cam and Joel and Alma and me and Josh all together for some fun sometime!!
SO I hope you took notes when we were obsessed with that whole "I Kissed Joshua Harris Goodbye" Now you should go back and read over all the stuff we talked about but now look at it from the other side! :) It's rather interesting.

Anyways congrats! (I love it when my friends get couplefied!!)

Viktorus said...

Wow... I saw Cam just a minute ago. Here is what I wrote her:

Cam, you really took me by surprise !!!
May be it's just because I never saw you with Jamie together, so to me this was absolute sensation!!!

Well, may be I'm a bit slow, but here is what I want to say:

- best wishes and best of luck to both of you

- you were all shining - that the most adorable look of the woman - stay this way

- let it always be a shoulder of your loving man for you, humans are not supposed to be alone, having someone good - is a fluke, having a soul mate - enlightment

I don't know what to say!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jamie A. Grant said...

Thanks for the kind words for Cam and me on my blog, Vik. Very kind of you. That news really came out of nowhere for you, eh? 'S funny.

Cam Grant said...

We were just talking about our beach date today. Great memories for our beach date. I love you Jamie.