Saturday, August 11, 2007

Glimpses of God

Everywhere I look, I see a glimpse of God. In everyone I know, I see God somehow. Every person can teach me something about the heart of God.

From women, I learn something about the desire and longing of God, that desire that he has for a close relationship with me. From people in pain, I see the frailty of Jesus and the sacrifice that he made for me, the way that he identifies with me. From children, I see the way that God celebrates and cherishes my life. From parents, I see the way that God wants to love me and call me his child, his desire to have me mature and change.

As my relationships grow and deepen with my friends and family, I find that I am seeing more and more of God each day. Each of my friends is teaching me something new about my own heart and the way that I communicate with God. It's an incredible experience and it requires nothing more than being a friend and then looking for God.

After all, every one of us is created in God's image. Men and women both show aspects of God's character but we show it in different ways. Our unique personality traits and who we are today reveals something about how amazing God is. Each of is a mirror of His love. We can see parts of ourselves as we look into other people, and we can see God.

You are incredible. Thank you for showing me something new, just by being you.

1 comment:

Cam said...

When I'm feel blue and I receive a msg of encouragement from one of my friends, I see God using them to reach out to me. Through discussions with you I've discovered the depth of God in my heart that I didn't know existed so I thank YOU for the many conversations we've had.

God is everywhere... to see only a glimpse of God through my friends is amazing.