Thursday, September 1, 2005

News & Links

Yep, it's finally here. R2D2's holograph, "Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." Check out this interview with the inventor of a 3D float-in-the-air computer monitor.

The Toronto Star had an interesting article today that rated the Top 5 boo-ings that have evere happened at the SkyDome. As I'm sure you're all aware, Rafael Palmeiro and the Orioles were playing there this past weekend and Rafael was batting for the first time after his (laughable) 10-day suspension for testing positive for steroids. That's a big deal because earlier in the year he vehemently denied ever using steroids when he appeared before a US Congressional hearing, wagging his finger at them in emphasis. We Canadians booed him so loudly that he put in ear plugs and then later cotton swabs as well. He looked like quite the fool in the highlight clips.

Mike has arrived in South Korea and he has a blog post about his first impressions. Of course, if he thinks that Incheon is big (population: 2.2 million) then he should check out Seoul (population: 10.8 million). Heh.

And for the record, I chose to keep my new Tablet PC after two weeks of testing. I'm away for all of this weekend at Braeside Camp, as I wrote about here. I know several people that are planning on going out there to Paris (Ontario) for the Saturday night service, so if anyone wants directions then contact me.

1 comment:

Jamie A. Grant said...

My apologies for the comment spam. I have turned on a word verification option for comments to ensure that this doesn't happen. Sorry about the inconveniance.