Friday, January 27, 2006

Fear, Fish and Falacies

So I went to Boler Mountain for my first time ever because the Big Brothers program had donations of two months of snowboarding lessons. I haven't done any actual skiing or snowboarding before so I had to start from scratch. Falls, I had many. By the end of our hour-long lesson, I was able to go down the training hill by myself at an even pace without falling. I was proud of myself, although my 8-year old Little managed to do that first. Apparently I still have several weeks to learn various techniques so let the bruising continue!

Don't you just love it when we find another species of life on this planet? I read about the most recent discovery in this article. It's a transparent fish with no skull that is only 7.9 mm in length and it was found in peat swamps in Indonesia. In the past, it was assumed that nothing but plant life could exist in swamps like this due to the high acid ratio but God seems to be more creative than we think.

And did you hear about the algorithm that can rate a politician on the amount of "spin" they have in their speeches? This article has a interesting tidbit that analyzes the mumbo-jumbo of the Big Three party leaders in this past Canadian election. Rank the three leaders in order (1-2-3) before you read the article and see if you're right!


solnechko said...

nice alliteration.

best (wishes on your) big bro bruises (from) boler, brave bud. bunny (hill) bad (for) beginners. boy-o-boy... buh-bye.

Anonymous said...

Did you Hit the tree? just joking i'm glad you had fun yay more briusing by the end you'll be a champion snow border. And i think thats it's neat that there are new animal species on the planet. Oh yeah the polition thing i hope Steven harpers not first. Tara