Saturday, May 12, 2007

Not Quite Irreplaceable

I have a couple of observations to make about this song and video. The whole point of this song is to show that Beyonce is an independant woman. She doesn't need a man to survive, and she certainly doesn't need this man in particular. He thinks that he's one in a million but that's just not true because she can stand on her own.

So the video follows this scene with her boyfriend as she kicks him out of their house. (Which, by the way, is an amazingly large house.) She packs his things in a box, calls him a cab and boots him. I'm sure it's well deserved, anyway.

So she's grandstanding, singing in his face, lecturing him about how unnecessary he is. She waves him off repeatedly, the whole bit. And the power roles are classically reversed as he keeps trying to change her mind, trying to make up with her. Presumably, he acted like a jerk and assumed that he could get away with it because he was irreplaceable and now she's proving how wrong he was.

So tell me, why does she have another man coming over to the house "in a minute?" She's going on and on about how "you must not know 'bout me." She doesn't need her current (soon to be ex) boyfriend. Oh, but she's so afraid to be alone that she has another man coming over before the first one is even gone. Five minutes by herself would be scary, right? Talk about desperation.

And what's more, how can she have another guy on the wings just like that? Does she flirt with every guy that she meets? Does she string along replacement players, just in case her current flame dies out? She obviously had another guy that was just waiting for his chance to be with her. Maybe she was the one that was cheating on her man, eh?

To be fair, I may not be giving her enough credit. Maybe she was loyal and honest and true to her boyfriend. Maybe her character in this video does have that kind of integrity. So that means that she prefers to pick a shallow man as her go-to guy. A man that likes to catch girls on the rebound, one that is slimey enough to walk in while the ex is still walking out. Maybe this second guy is the type of person that will jump at the chance to be with a girl that has ignored him and dismissed his advances all along, but he "admires" her because of how strong she is. Or maybe she's hot enough that she can call any random guy and they'll drop everything. Nothing like completely physical and superficial attraction, I guess.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, they say. And she's downright nasty about it, talking down to her ex and bragging about another guy. It might be safe to assume that this is just one in a long line of guys that she simply destroys once they cross her. One can only shudder and then pity the next man in line.


Mike said...

Dude... venting?

solnechko said...


nice one mike...
yeah... where is the inspiration for this coming from? haha...

Jamie A. Grant said...

Heh. 'Twas inspired by an impromptu monlogue that I did during my recent trip to Texas. I heard this song so many times that I was finally forced to mock it in some way.

Plus, I like to mix up fun stuff in between my more serious rants. Think of it as the blog version of "Video On Trial" from MuchMusic.

(Quietly heds a single tear for girls gone by...)

Lori said...

Remind me never to flirt with you. LOL!!!

Jennifer said...

haha I caught myself singing along to this song yesterday. I like Beyonce. :)

I don't think she's being nasty. I think most women would understand that she's just putting up this front because she's hurt by her boyfriend cheating on her (alluded to in the song). He made her feel like garbage, so she is trying to prove to him (and herself) that she's worth more than that.

It's not a healthy way of handling it obviously, or very effective in making her point... but I don't think she's a maneater just because she's reassuring herself that she will get over her cheating ex, and that someone else will come along.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Yes, someone else will come along. "And he'll be here in a minute." Self confidence? Good. Kicking out a cheater? Good. Having another guy appear before the other one is even gone? Pathetic.

Unless she's lying about having another guy on the line, which is possible if she's just trying to build herself up. That's still pretty weak.

Man, I thought I would get some kicks out of a few over-the-top jokes. Instead, Beyonce is defended and I get attacked. You peoples...Heh.

Jevan said...

Well, I hate the song (mostly because it's obnoxiously annoying and annoyingly repetitive...although it's got nothing on 'Girlfriend').

But I'll throw my two cents behind you this time, J. Although that might be partially based on my (admitted) bias to simply not agree with her because the song is so annoying.

Jennifer said...

lol, I was waiting for you to disagree :)

About the new guy coming before the old is gone, I think she is exaggerating, was there anyone in the video? No.

Poor Beyonce... misunderstood and attacked by men who question her motives.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Poor Beyonce, in that giant house with all that money but no one to love. Heck, she's so rich that she bought her boyfriend a car, according to this song. Sugar momma and all that. Makes a fella want to cry for her...

'Course, it also makes this guy the biggest idiot in the world. He gives up all of that money and the beautiful girl to cheat with some other woman.

And that's a good point about the second guy not showing up in this video. However, the last shot shows her opening the front door. I presume that she is greeting this second guy, who conveniantly appears after she's done her girl-power band thing.

Jennifer said...

So I guess we're at an impasse... who knows what happens after the video is over, maybe someone comes, maybe not.

But the fact that she's rich, is completely irrelevant. It doesn't make her a bad person, and I'm sure it doesn't make her happy. Some of the most miserable people are the richest ones (though admittedly it is harder to pity them). My point is though, that picking on her because she's been successful is not fair. That big house won't make having a cheating boyfriend less painful. AND, he's an idiot for cheating on her, not for walking away from all that money. Sheesh!

haha... I will continue to fight for the underdog ;)