Friday, November 18, 2005

Free Book and Stuff

Did you know that Scott Adams (that Dilbert guy again) has written novels that having nothing to do with Dilbert? He has a book called God's Debris and he is giving away a free pdf version. In his words, it was difficult to market but he assumes that at least a few more people will buy the real book if they read the digital version first. And Mike, I expect you to read this so that we can discuss it sometime.

Here's his synopsis:
Imagine that you meet a very old man who—you eventually realize—knows literally everything. Imagine that he explains for you the great mysteries of life—quantum physics, evolution, God, gravity, light, psychic phenomenon, and probability—in a way so simple, so novel, and so compelling that it all fits together and makes perfect sense. What does it feel like to suddenly understand everything? God's Debris isn’t the final answer to the Big Questions. But it might be the most compelling vision of reality you will ever read. The thought experiment is this: Try to figure out what’s wrong with the old man’s explanation of reality. Share the book with your smart friends then discuss it later while enjoying a beverage.

For those of you that would prefer to have fun instead, here you go.


Mike said...

Pffft. I read this book when it was first published. Snazy looking hardcover.

I'll read the pdf again, though.

Aleah said...

That red button was too much fun haha