Saturday, December 16, 2006

Links & Blinks

Bwahaha! We have sucked another person into our blog circle. Welcome, Cam!

For the record, I have several goals in writing this blog. My main purpose is that I want to have a record of my own personal and spiritual growth. Granted, that can be a bit tricky with really personal issues but many of my life lessons are free for the taking. My secondary purpose is to keep my friends updated with my latest news. My final purpose is to entertain my audience, which is why I like to flip between serious blog posts and posts like this one.

Speaking of entertainment, did you see this article from last week? Recently in China, they had two dolphins in an aquarium that had swallowed some plastic and were quite sick. They were unable to use their medical instruments to extract the plastic because of the dolphins' gagging action. They decided to think outside of the box and called in the world's tallest man - a guy that is 7 foot eight inches in height and also lived nearby. With his Plastic Man capabilities, he reached right into their stomaches through their mouths and took out the pieces. Problem solved! And we all wondered what the guy's porpoise in life was...

As for the latest news, we'll have our final Christmas performances this Saturday-Sunday-Monday. We're expecting standing room only for the final two shows so get there early for a good seat.

This past Friday night, AV-Base hosted our Christmas party at a restaurant downtown that had a Murder Mystery dinner. Even though I'm not working at AV-Base anymore, I still had the privilege of joining them. It was a fun evening even if the actors interrupted our dinner a little too frequently. Kudos to Tara, who stole the show a few times, both on purpose and by accident. Does anyone have pics that they can e-mail to me from the evening?


Anonymous said...

Murder mystery... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I kind of felt like I was suffering from schizophrenia all night. Was it my delusion or did a dominatrix caress me with a whip all night? Did she have to touch my glasses, that really annoyed me. Ah well, I had a good time even though I was too distracted when there was a moments peace to get to know Shona better or catch up with Jamie and the girls. By the way Shona, it was a pleasure to meet you and I hope you had fun.

Anonymous said...

Porpoise...haha! The cornier, the better! I spit out my water when I read! L

Ashleigh said...

Porpoise....hahahaha! But seriously, that article was crazy! Talk about creative!

I can't wait to see pictures from the Murder Mystery dinner...There's something about you in the same room as a dominatrix that just plain intrigues me....even if she was just an actress...Hahaha

By the way, you were spot on again tonight...Well done! I heard quite a number of people buzzing about your solo as I was on my way out..

Anonymous said...

The murder mystery was good but I don't think I'd want to do it again, especially if it involves another annoying dominatrix. I think she liked you though, lol!

I just got home from seeing the play and it was amazing. You can see my comments on my blog;

Jamie A. Grant said...

Hey, you know my "porpoise" pun? I just heard Jay Leno do that exact joke for the same story on Monday night's show. Crazy!

Ashleigh said...

See that? You're so good even Jay Leno is stealing your material...hahaha!

Cam said...

Jamie, I can't get that song outta my head! Your performance was absolutely amazing last night. The harmony of your voice with the choir was incredible. Looking at the audience I even saw people worshiping with you, it was great. You've gone from Emmanuel to Little Town of Bethlehem to Majesty, can't wait to see what's in store for next year. Good job!