Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Links & Blinks

Ashleigh has finally returned after being away for almost two months. She's still trying to catch up on all of the e-mail and facebook messages, but in the meantime she has managed to update her blog again.

If you want a tour-de-force, read this short story on Abe's blog as he describes himself watching the world die while he does nothing. Powerful images...

David Grant had this recent post about Willowcreek church. As one of the famous mega-churches, they just completed some intensive studies and discovered that their 30 years of church programs have no real correlation with a person deepening their relationship with God. By my estimation, people that want a deeper relationship with Christ will get it regardless of the church setting, and the average church attendee will just be satisfied with simply attending church. Do we just assume that church helps us grow, until someone pulls out the facts that say otherwise? And if church doesn't do the trick then what is the best environment?

There is some good, ongoing discussion on this recent post of mine. Is it enough to just make a buck at work, or do we expect more from our workplaces? As a manager, do we strive for satisfied and happy employees, or do we just expect people to do their jobs? Some interesting perspectives are popping up there...

1 comment:

Abe said...

I pulled the post you linked to because I'm thinking of publishing it. But thanks for the shout-out.