Friday, April 8, 2005

Decisions, Decisions

People often comment that they're amazed at how willing our family is to turn our lives upside down. My parents took all of two months from beginning to end to move to South Korea to teach English. My brother was in Hawaii for several years as a missionary. My sister decided to go to Toronto by herself to pursue her teacher's degree after completing her ECE at Fanshawe College. I joined GTA (my current church) one week after FCCC (my old church) closed down and I was a member and on the worship team within three months.

It strikes a lot of people as odd that we can make such large decisions so quickly. Some people I know would never consider leaving their country and family behind for a new career. Others I know have agonized for years about going to post-secondary school. Some people I know take between six months and a year to join a new church.

Why did I join GTA? I accidentally heard their worship CD without knowing who recorded it and I was drawn to the worship. Throw in a couple of confirmatory clues from God and the decision was complete. For me, big decisions in life tend to be the same as small decisions. As long as God's in it, what's the problem?

I can't say that this turn-on-a-dime process is without it's faults. Some of my decisions haven't worked out so well, though I have no serious regrets. It's not that I don't put a lot of thought and prayer into my decisions because I do. I always speak to both of my parents before I make some crucial choice. I get advise where I can get it; I look for confirmation from God where He gives it; I weigh the decisions out logically and emotionally. When I finally come to a decision, though, it's full steam ahead.

No hesitation, no half measures. Sometimes it doesn't work but most of the time it does. I suppose the one spot that this really hasn't worked for me is in finding a wife, so in that one particular area I have come to the conclusion that I have to take George Costanza's approach: Do the opposite of whatever my instinct is. Heh.


Anonymous said...

I never thought of it like that. I guess we do kind of break the norm. Remember back in 1999? I had just graduated from highschool and found a job. At the time I had no real direction in my life and was just kind of "being". Then along comes CEOM and within 2 weeks I'm off gallivanting around N.America. That decision is by far the best decision I've ever made for myself and where I am now is because of that. I know God was very much part of that and it was because of him I was able. So in essence, I agree with you that "big decisions in life tend to be the same as small decisions. As long as God's in it, what's the problem?"

Mike said...


Aleah said...

I think it's a rare gift though. You guys, from your examples, don't appear to make "unwise" decisions quickly. But I think you guys are very dedicated and enthusiastic about the things that interest you and the decisions you make. That doesn't mean there aren't hard times, but your perserverence and commitment to the Lord is what keeps you going. Keep it up! :)

Amanda said...

I'm with ya on that last one. I should just do the opposite of what my instinct is and then my future husband will appear. It's like the way I would look everywhere for a lost piece of jewlery & find it only after I stop obsessing about it.

Anyway, I was also thinking that in a way God inspires us to make big decisions and not put too much meaning into places and things. For example He has often called people to leave their families behind and move far away without much notice. Perhaps there is some sort of influence here, something about following God and having that be enough.
