Sunday, February 27, 2005

Walking Along A Road

I was walking along a road one day and I came across a knight. He had shining black armour, a long sword and a dark shield that was so smooth I could see the sun behind me reflected in it like a mirror. I bowed my head to the knight and he stopped his horse to acknowledge me.

"Sir Knight," I asked,"You have a magnificent stallion and an impressive set of armour, but where is your coat of arms?"
"I have no coat of arms," he answered.
"Then whom do you serve?"
"I serve no one."
"Then what is your mission?"
"I have no mission."
"Then where are you headed?"
"Wherever my horse may take me."

And with that, the black knight continued down his path and I continued down mine.


Amanda said...

Why didn't you ask the black knight to join you?

Perhaps the black knight doesn't need a mission afterall, it's mostly about the journey not the destination anyway.


Jamie A. Grant said...

The story is told in the first person but it may not have been me.

Amanda said...

I know, but I'm still wondering why the black knight wasn't asked if he wanted join the other guy. Perhaps he should have been asked, as there are many people wandering the earth with no apparent purpose and here just for the journey.

Or perhaps we can learn a lesson from the black knight, that it's better not to have a purpose and just be free and go wherever you end up.

Another lesson from the black knight could be that of peace, he's not on anyone's side therefore he has no enemies to fight and no country to defend.


P.S. I wasn't kidding when I said I had metaphoritis...

Jamie A. Grant said...

Metaphoritis, eh? I remember you mentioning that on your blog. Heh.

Seems to me that the black knight is all dressed up with nowhere to go.

If the knight serves no one, has no mission and has no destination, then is that person a knight at all? Anyone can wear a suit of armour and ride a horse, after all.

Also note that the knight could be a woman, for all we know. I s'pose we assume otherwise since that's the expectation/requirement.