Sunday, June 19, 2005

Father's Day

My dad was reflecting on fatherhood today, naturally. He was poking some fun at me by pointing out that by the time he was 27 (as I am now) his eldest child was 7 years old (that child being me). His actual sentence was, "By the time I was your age, you were 7 years old." That was a weird one to get my head around.

And yes, I would have loved to have started my own family already but at least I still have my parents and my siblings. I love you all!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Isn't it crazy how this generation seems to take a lot longer to settle down and start families. In my family most of my aunts and uncles (and my parents) were married by age 25 and had a baby soon after. I suppose it takes us longer to go to school and find a good job and everything before settling down.
