Saturday, June 11, 2005

Old School

A thought:
You know when people are acting in charge and all that and they say, "I want you to obey me without question. When I say jump, you say how high." Now my thought is, didn't they just say to obey without question, and then they say to ask how high?
From my brain,
Personals, MHS Press, October 1994

Seek beauty and miss love,
seek love and find both.
Personals, MHS Press, Valentines Issue, 1995

What Love Is
Endures Hardships
Never Hurts
In All Things Respect
No Criticism

Do Things for One Another
You and Her/Him
MHS Press, Valentines Issue, 1995


Mike said...

Haha. There's only one MHS student newspaper note I remember. It was this anonymous complaint to Mandy... I forget her last name. Actually, that might not even be her first name. I think she was a year or two ahead of me.

Anyways, she was stunningly gorgeous, and this note was apparently from another girl. It said something like "Mandy, not every guy swoons over you in the hallways."

And when I read that, I thought, "yeah we do."

Anonymous said...

ah yes, good ol' personals in the mhs press. for a dime you could tell the world, er, wawa whatever was on your mind. if memory serves, i once wrote an anonymous message to my hot music prof in 10th grade. maybe he knew it was me cause i got 98% in the class even though my woodwind skills weren't exacly worthy of that...

Amanda said...

Hot music prof..hehe...

It just wouldn't have been high school without the MHS Press. I should have written more personals, then I would have had some written to me back, oh well.

I miss high school sometimes, yesterday was prom night, wish I could get all dolled up and dance the night away!
