Tuesday, June 14, 2005

News & Links

You know how reporters will sometimes get quick quotes from the random people just to give a taste of the crowd's opinion for a story? There's a guy that takes time off from work so that he can have a chance to be that "man on the street," to the extent that the Associated Press released an internal memo warning reporters about this guy. (Link)

Yes, Michael Jackson was declared Not Quilty on all ten counts. Now if he can fix his finances and stop making self-agrandizing songs he'll be all set. Hooray for infotainment!

The Toronto Star had this article two days ago from a man that crossed Canada in a car, getting quick interviews with people across our country regarding the issue of homosexual marriage. He managed to get a very broad range of reactions and responses and I thought that it was quite an interesting read.

I would like to congratulate Jevant. In this recent post, Jevant defended a "hockey dad" that was in the news because Hockey Canada had suspended his son from playing because the father had a lawsuit against the league. This man found out about Jevant's blog post, presumably by looking at his website's link logs, and posted a comment thanking Jevant. The power of blogs in action, my friends!


Mike said...

Yes, Michael Jackson was declared Not Quilty on all ten counts. Now if he can fix his finances and stop making self-agrandizing songs he'll be all set. Hooray for infotainment!

Of course, he could also stop molesting kids. Or at least, continue to choose kids who's parents are willing to pimp them out, hoping to win a lawsuit.

Jamie A. Grant said...

*tch tch* Isn't he supposed to be innocent until proven guilty? Oh wait, this is the court of public opinion, where Jackson is guilty and the Liberal party isn't. :)

Anonymous said...

that's funny about the "man on the street". a few years back while in Savannah, GA, there was a parade celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. day. we were pretty much the only white people there, and so we stood out and got a lot of "looks" for whatever reason. i noticed a reporter wandering around and thought that i might have a good chance at getting on tv seeing as i'm a white girl from canada. i purposefully put myself out in front of the crowd hoping the reporter would spot me and she did! i had a great time answering her questions, repetitive as they were. unfortunately i forgot to watch the news that night so to this day I wonder if i made it on. ~L