Friday, June 3, 2005

Funny News

I read this article over on Church Marketing Sucks this past week. There are two unrelated churches in the US that are having a church sign trivia contest. Both churches like to post witty and pithy sayings on their signs. One church will pose a question on their sign and the other church has to answer it on their own sign. Heh.

And do you know that rats can't vomit? Some hard-nosed scientific research has been done regarding that question, as linked to on this blog.

I read a science article this past about an experiment that was done at Stanford University. They held up cards facing away from a camera on a computer. It's like a pshycic card trick in which someone tries to read the cards when they cannot see them. The trick is that this was done by "dual photography," capturing the light that bounces around a room and calculating where it came from, reformulating a picture that shows the face of the card based only on it's reflection against other items in the room.

I recently finished reading There and Back Again, a book by Sean Astin. He details his experiences playing Sam in Lord Of The Rings, along with his past experience playing Rudy. It was a very cool peek into his awkward Hollywood career and his time in New Zealand filming LOTR.

And finally, here's a link to the Tao of Programming. It includes various funny bits of 'wisdom' in the style of Confucius. No one else may care but I thought it had some funny - and oddly true - sayings.


Anonymous said...

first of all, loved the "who cares" news. secondly, i think i wanna read the Sean Astin book. i like true stories with some light depth to 'em. see ya in a few weeks. ~L

Jamie A. Grant said...

The book is actually entitled, "There and Back Again: An Actor's Tale." That was more than I wanted to write, though.

Aleah said...

And ironically you ended up explaining it...

Jamie A. Grant said...

Thanks, Aleah. I noted the irony while I was writing my reply but I didn't want to write a comment about that as well.

And yes, now I'm commenting on that anyways. These circles of irony lose a little humour after a while, I think.