Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I once took a personality test in college. You know the kind, a thousand and one little circles to fill in and we get a nice little summary at the end about who we are. Heh. When I got my results back I scored quite highly on the part about introspection, that aspect in which you spend time thinking about yourself and regularly evaluating yourself.

It struck me as funny that this would be attributable to some component of a person's personality. As a Christian, I've been trained my entire life for introspection. I am continually coming back to God and others to review my thoughts and actions and to repent of my sins. I am continually challenged by God through many ways to mature in Christ and to mature as a person. That's why I write things like my last post.

Re-evaluating our lives shouldn't be some by-product of personality. It shouldn't be something that is forced on us by circumstance or by authority. It shouldn't be something that only happens once every few years.

If we refuse to question ourselves, we remain an enigma. If we do not allow that we might be wrong, then we can never be sure that we are right. If we refuse to change then we still will change, eroding away like a rock under water rather than purifying like silver in the fire.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Indeed, self relection is a very useful way to make improvements and grow. But as far as striving to be like Christ, perfect, we will always fall short...which isn't to say that we shouldn't try our best to come as close as we humanly can.
