Sunday, October 17, 2004

Re-evaluating My Leadership

As a continuation of the thoughts at the end of my last post, I was asking myself if I was the kind of leader that inspired people. I led a cell group for two and a half years and what did I accomplish? I led a youth worship team for two years but did I let God use me fully?

My central focus was on discipleship and mentoring for much of that time with my cell group. Plenty of good things certainly did come from my group, particularly since it allowed me to develop a friendship with Joel Timmerman, Ariel and Richard early on. Even so, I had three goals when I started: To help other/younger Christians grow, to help people get saved, and to have the guys start their own cell groups or develop mentoring relationships. As I look back on it, I think that I was only partially successful on all three counts.

So, I have various questions to ask myself. Have I inspired those whom I taught and led - or more properly, has God inspired people through me? Do I challenge my friends enough to go for the gold? Have I led non-believers to Christ in the last five years? I can give a partial yes to these questions but I know that God has more for me - and that he has more for each of us - and I just keep trying to follow Him more nearly.

To be clear, I'm not looking for a pat on the back or testimonies. I recognize what God has done through me and with me in the past three years. I'm just re-evaluating my own leadership once again, as I regularly try to do.


Aleah said...

Well, you already know my opinion on your leadership with the youth worship team and I'm sticking to it! ;)

Amanda said...

Hi Jamie,
It's great that you have done some reflecting on your past and present leadership skills. Some things are measured quantitatively, and others qualitativly, but either way self worth is something that is easier to have if you try not to define it.